WELCOME TO OUR NEW ASK BOX & explaining what happened to our old Ask Box...

Hi Ask Family! We missed you guys so much.

Ask Family coming in here:


Regular readers seeing Ask Family barging in:


Ask Family has been known to be more…. ruthless and aggressive. Probably because they’re used to anonymous button, but anyways!

I know you guys are super confused so please let me explain.

On November 30, 2019, a strong leader fell: OUR ASK BOX GOT TERMINATED BY TUMBLR.

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As you all know, Tumblr was our hosting platform for this blog from March 2013 - June 2019. You’d think Tumblr would respect some veteran bloggers, but no. As time went on, posts of ours started mysteriously disappearing for no reason. Yes some posts got deleted for copyright reasons, while others got deleted without a trace.

Usually when Tumblr deletes something, they have a reason and they EMAIL YOU beforehand, stating the reason and the outcome. However, this was NOT the case for our mysteriously disappearing posts which were coincidentally VIRAL; accumulating thousands of notes.

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As we all know, this blog is controversial and celebrity teams have been trying to silence us for years. Y’all don’t even know a third of everything we keep off this blog. But you guys got the gist when Chantel Jeffries was shaking and sent her lawyers on us in August.

The point is, we left Tumblr and came on our OWN WEBSITE PLATFORM, so we can control everything and not answer to anyone.

We thought that Ask would be safe.. it wasn’t.

They terminated our sweet child, ExposingSMGAsk on Tumblr, WITHOUT WARNING, WITHOUT AN EMAIL, WITHOUT A STRIKE. Just like that. Gone.


Again, no email. No strike. No reason. And when we contacted them - no response. Suspicious, huh?

Over 10,000 questions answered disappearing, leaving my sweet Ask Family confused and abandoned!

Alana is about to cry because she misses talking to you guys. Alana was the main person who controlled Ask all these years.

Only Veteran Readers remember when we were on Ask.Fm, until they CENSORED the word “exposingsmg” from the platform. Our first ask got deleted and so we made ExposingSMG2, which eventually got deleted. We kept going with the numbers until we realized… the name is blocked off the platform. Our readers even did this little experiment by themselves by making “ExposingSMG9 / ExposingSMG12” and so on, and the account would get deleted despite not even answering any questions.

So we moved to Tumblr.

But clearly Tumblr is a censoring ass bitch!

What’s the point in making a new ask account if it’s just going to get deleted again?

I’m expecting my ex-main account on Tumblr, “ExposingSMG” to get deleted soon now. I don’t really get a say because it’s THEIR platform. I mean I vowed if ExposingSMG ever got deleted, I would have carbon copies flooding the Internet and that’s why I was able to TRANSFER everything from Tumblr (even the deleted posts), to this new Squarespace platform. This bitch is backed up and ready at any time!

So Alana and I thought hard about what to do with our fallen child: ASK. And we came to this conclusion.. USE THE WEBSITE PLATFORM YOU PAID SO MUCH MONEY FOR (duh!).

Now breathe, Ask Family. I know y’all scared.


Let me explain to you how this is going to work!

All new things are scary at first.

Every week, we will open up a new “Ask Thread” which is going to look like the regular posts that y’all read. However as you can tell, this “Ask” page is on a completely different area than the regular blog posts.

It’s best to separate Ask Family from regular readers because y’all get crazy sometimes.

Each week, we will have a new “post” titled something like “Ask Box from the week of December 1 - 7.” And you will get to ask your questions in the comment section below.

The good thing about this comment section is that you can COMMENT ANONYMOUSLY just like our old ask. The even BETTER thing that we didn’t have the luxury on Tumblr, is the comment section will form into a “thread” where I can directly answer your question and you can REPLY BACK TO ME instead of me guessing which anon you are.

To get notified of when I reply back to you, you can put on the email notifications which will pop up after you “leave a comment” aka “ask a question.”’

Now I am nervous with how you guys are going to perceive this especially when I saw the following comment under the Chantel post:

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Yashiro, I hear you. And A, I hear you too. Clearly Tumblr ain’t hearing us, though.

So in response to what you guys are saying - the ask will be SEPERATE from the main blog as you can see by this whole new page. For each week, we’ll have a specific "Ask Thread” (post) dedicated to all our curiosity and questions and to avoid an over flood of messages. You guys ain’t see the inside of my ask box on Tumblr…. 15,000 unanswered questions. It wasn’t cute.

The only difference between this Ask Box vs. Tumblr Ask is everyone will see what you ask. Doesn’t really matter since y’all can ask on anonymous anyways and 99% of the questions were on anonymous.

This will probably be a plus for us since we won’t get spammed with the same question if one anon already sees that another anon asked that question.

Another difference is that other anons can reply to your ask which is something that indirectly happened on Tumblr Ask.

  • Example: “Replying back to that anon who asked the Ariana question: blah blah blah

However, even if an anon replies to you, I can still be the first person to reply back as my name will be shown!

As for every “Ask Box” of the week, to keep things in order, we will not answer questions from previous week therefore everything can be a little organized, but even then, YOU CAN ACCESS them and even communicate with other anons because those who have the email notification, will be notified. Every “Ask Box” that will open up at the beginning of the week, will probably contain some rules or how-to notes on how to use/ask questions for any of those confused.

So it is different, but it’s not so bad.

At least now we have full control.

Any recommendations on how to run our version of an Ask Box, please let us know in the comment section below.


And if this new way of handling the ask box really doesn’t end up working for you guys, we will look into a different method but for now, I think this is best.

Rumor has it that the ESMG Team is nervous to how y’all are gonna handle this.


We love you guys and we are trying our best to accommodate our readers’ needs. It makes us so happy to communicate with y’all instead of just posting the information and dipping. So many have told us that this blog is an escape from reality or that it’s educated y’all so much to the point where you are going into careers based on what we talk about: so honestly, you guys are so so important to us.

As for our haters who read, we love y’all too - minus the death threats and shit.

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ExposingSMGask, exposingsmg