EXPOSED: Selena at the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving game.


This is one of the many upcoming exposed posts :)

A couple things happened at the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving game so I broke this long post into two big exposed posts. The first one, is about Selena and her usual rude ways at the game my source was at. The next exposed post after this one, is about Selena and Charity. 




was Selena in Dallas at the game she was performing at. Of course, she proved that class is sexy by having your ass hang out at 

  • a game that she wasn’t wanted at



Selena showing her classy side isn’t the point. 

However, her performance was quite embarrassing besides from the fifth grade dance moves they had, but the obvious fact that Selena was lip syncing. The funniest part is that they would turn her mic back on so she can talk to the fans, but it’s all rehearsed. She knows when they’re turning the mic off and on. But really. If you listen to the audio version of the songs, and that performance, you would see that it sounds 100% the same. Lmfao, after that terrible Come & Get It performance at the MTV movie awards, all she ever did was sing with playback or completely sing. Her mic is never fully on anyways. That performance though, her mic was off completely. The audience didn’t enjoy much of it either


At the game, Selena proved that she stays being the same bitter and rude human that I showed you. 

At the game, there was a little clash in with little kids who were accompanied by their mom, to see Selena perform. 


Let me point out that Selena’s sewer rat, sorry, I meant Priscilla, is the main problem here, not exactly Selena, but you’ll see how Selena didn’t react the way she was supposed to. 



So Selena is signing autographs for the kids and right after that security approaches them, of course with Selena and Priscilla’s approval, and kicks them out. 

So Selena was with them? After she left, security approaches as Priscilla makes sure they kick them out.

Did Selena say something about them that got them kicked out? Knowing Selena, probably. If she didn’t then, she had the power to let her security and Priscilla leave her fans alone. 

What happened to


oh right. She knew she was being filmed then, but let me continue. 



Celebrities have the power to not have their fans kicked out by the way but then again, it’s Selena we are talking about. 

So my source was at the game even though I didn’t know but I should have guessed since it was in Dallas. 




I asked her about David since a lot of you kept sending me his link and he was just talking shit about this blog even though he couldn’t prove me wrong (the usual). 

My source then tells me that Selena was being the usual bitch she is along with the fact she kept complaining. And when my source and whoever else accompanied her, arrived, Mandy and Selena just gave them a weird look. Figures. 


To be contiued :)

The next exposed part will be about Selena and Charity backstage at the game and more. It’s coming up in a few mintues. Stay tuned!


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