Why is Chantel shading Justin? Is Justin single? Selena shades even more?

My title game hasn’t been on point lately 



If you followed me on Twitter, you’d know I said this


Make that 5. This post you’re currently reading, was not planned until my other source, no not Alison, replied to me. She has mutual friends with both Justin and Cokelen- I mean Selena. Many of you asked me and asked in general if Justin and Yovanna


are dating. And I replied saying I don’t know, but I’ll ask. 

Well your answer is here.


No they’re not. His last girlfriend was Selena 

I now shall explain everything.

Justin has taken several girls on dates.









Obviously that was in no specific order. 

And you’re probably thinking wow what a manwhore. I can see where you think that but hopefully by the end of this post, that confusion stops. 

Justin enjoys taking girls out on dates. However, he doesn’t want anything serious because he’s pretty much scarred ever since he last serious relationship. I think it’s safe to say Selena scarred him.

I’m not exaggerating this when I tell you, she made him miserable. If you’re new here, then you probably don’t know that Justin acting out throughout 2013, was because of what Selena did to him. I actually feel bad for calling him out on the shit he’s pulled last year. Out of all people I should have known better since I have people telling me in detail everything Selena’s done to him. Basically, he begged her to come and she didn’t. Randomly she’d come back (for promotion), and then she’d leave. I’m sure that deep down he knows that she’s using him, but he doesn’t wanna believe it. Selenators, you could relate to Justin when it comes down to not believing the truth (her being rude to you guys, drugs, her being evil, etc). On top of that, she played mind games and fed him lies (“I love you” “We belong together” “We’re made for each other” shit like that). So because of his last relationship, he doesn’t want something serious and Selena was serious for him. 

So is Justin dating Yovanna? No. Did he date Chantel? No. Did he date Cailin? No. And that goes for the rest of the girls that came after Selena. 

What is he doing with them? He’s having fun. He’s 20 so he isn’t looking to settle down. That was his mindset with Selena though.. he actually went as far as.. nevermind. 


They KNOW he doesn’t want a serious relationship. They KNOW but they don’t like the truth. 


So she’s insulting his looks now because she’s bitter that he doesn’t really want to settle with her. Even though she knew that was his intention all along. It’s not like he was playing mind games on her like someone we know and it’s not like she fell for his “trap”. She knew all along. But she wants that Bieber lifestyle. She enjoys the luxury. The fame. The Justin. The things he does for them. Sound familiar?

In the end, she wants him. 


Okay so this has a story behind it. 

Justin did tell her that he loves her and that he’s done with Selena. In one of my recent posts that you can find here, I said that Chantel was not happy that Justin reconciled with Selena. Obviously I’m proven right again because I’m exposingsmg and exposingsmg is always right. He told her that he was DONE with Selena so she was pissed that she woke up and saw this


since Justin told her he was done with her. But don’t underestimate Selena’s lies. She can reel him in whenever she pleases. However, that habit of him falling for her lies, seems to have stopped since apparently when she was in Miami hoping to meet moi, she wanted to “hang out” with Justin but he refused and that surprised her. 

Moving on.



So now you know why Chantel won’t shut the fuck up about him. Honestly, she should be more mature and go vent to a therapist or something. I’m not for bringing your personal problems on twitter and then being the reason someone gets hate for something they don’t deserve. And that’s why I don’t even want Justin to ever date her since obviously she’s immature and will probably be worse than Selena when, not if, but when they breakup. Thankfully we don’t have to worry about him dating someone since well.. he’s not. 



You knew all along that he wasn’t instrested in what you wanted, but you went along with it because like I said, you enjoyed the lifestyle. The mansion. The money. The fame. The Justin. 

Now I’m not calling her a gold digger. I’m just saying that she shouldn’t act surprised that Justin didn’t want to date her. For the millionth time, his last and probably only serious relationship, scarred him and he’s not emotionally ready for another one. 

What I don’t like about what Chantel did is she pulled a Selena and started insulting Yovanna. 


Chantel boo, don’t talk about looks.


Chantel is actually really pretty once she got that makeup on and puberty ended up slapping her, but here she is pulling a Selena aka hating on the other girls that are with Justin. She was seriously nonstop shading her for like two days and then was like “Who?” when another tweet about Yovanna mentioned her. Like what do you mean “who?”. The same “Who” you’ve been obsessed about talking. And who knows, maybe Chantel will come across this post and call me out since she’s obviously up to date with everything that’s going on. 


And the hate continues. By the way, for Yovanna’s sake, she’s not a singer so I don’t understand why she’s getting made fun of for that video. Obviously it’s hilarious, but get over it. It’s not like she’s pursuing a career in singing when she can’t. #catchthedamnshade?


Chantel favorited that.

That was like a year ago and we all know how much girls change in a year. I mean Chantel looked like she was fresh off the potato farm, but who am I to comment? Oh yes, I’m exposingsmg and I have no mercy because



Justin got them falling for him.

But she stays shading him


I would probably call out Justin right now and pretend I’m a huge feminist like over dramatic sissies on tumblr and twitter do, and be like “respect women!” “women aren’t sex objects!”, and all that shit, but compared to other guys, Justin is an innocent virgin. Well we all know he’s not a virgin, but I hope you understand what I’m saying. He didn’t hold her hostage and be like I’m fucking your pussy you can’t do shit about it. She pretty much knew what he wanted, and that wasn’t a serious relationship so now I guess she’s picking out all his flaws to feel better about the situation. 

But hating on Justin clearly isn’t satisfying her so she’s hating on who’s with Justin as well. 


So Yovanna is getting accused of wearing buttpads and photoshopping her ass and then Chantel goes on and says 


but cute how she’s acting like Yovanna is the only one who poses like that and how she doesn’t need to pose like or rarely poses like that


I hate hypocrites. 

Just for the record, I didn’t have a problem with Chantel until she couldn’t keep her drama off social media. That’s pretty much my last straw with everyone. If you bring your drama on social media, you’ll piss me off. 




-Ariana (well I don’t count her since she was responding back to Jai so excuse her)


Like no body caressssss. If you want attention just tweet a nude or something. Ain’t nobody got time to be your personal therapist. 

And to prove what I said about Chantel if you’re doubting it, she ended up posting this on Instagram


with the caption #knowbetter. She liked the attention, trips, gifts, vacations, and luxury that Justin gave her. So who knows if she actually liked Justin as a person. Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t.

Moving on to Ashley. I miss talking about Selena :(

She up here joining Chantel with the shade 


like didn’t you hang out with Justin like twice… LAST YEAR? What brought you into this? And if he’s so irrelevant and you don’t have any opinion on him, don’t reply to the mentions of him? However, I see why that’s hard since her mentions were probably dead until the mention of Biebsus was brought upon her. Selena can relate

Moving on to Selena. One of my friends on Twitter dmed me this



Now Selena can run along and go chok- I mean hide under a rock with her 4 pounds of cocaine, and stop pretending as if Justin wasn’t obsessed with her even after the breakup. I’m NOT going over this again. I had like approximately between 4 and 12 million posts about how Justin was not the wrong in the relationship and how Selena is using this whole situation for attention. If you want to remain deluded after all those posts, then I got…


but yeah I’m not going over that again. 

But moving on to the girls mention of Selena. I think it was Cailin, Ashley, and Cha(desperateforattention)ntel, who said something about meeting up with Selena or hanging out with her. And Ashley and Selena became shade buddies and liked each other’s photos on Instagram. Yeah that was the summary but let me take about 4.2 seconds to SHIT MYSELF, OF LAUGHTER. 




Do they think Selena likes them? If Selena were to ever even talk to them, it’d be for one reason and that’s

  • to get dirt on Justin

Does this seem familiar? Yeah she did the same thing with Barbara Palvin. *sobs* Queen of all queens. Barbara *closes eyes dramatically* oh Barbara, that’s the definition of a classy and mature woman. Unlike…. those things. Omg imagine she ends up shading Justin as well and pulling that shit? I’d choke myself. Just kidding but I’d be a little embarrassed for myself after this sappy love paragraph. 

Back to what I was saying though. Those girls (I don’t like referring to them as side hoes), think that “oh I’m mad at Justin lets go to Selena” like what are they, NINE? There are two reasons Selena goes back to Justin and those reasons are

  • for publicity
  • to make sure no other girl gets close with him

Selena don’t like their asses the same reason they don’t like Yovanna. 

So time for a summary!

  • Justin is single
  • Him and Yovanna didn’t date and neither did him and Chantel or any other girl after Selrat
  • Those other girls know that Justin doesn’t want to date them but they crave the bieber lifestyle 
  • they’re shading him out of bitterness and spite
  • Selena is still shading him because  that’s what Selena does. You’d think it’s continue the vocal lessons that aren’t working, but no. It’s snort and shade. 

Oh and before I end this post, the recent shade between Yovanna and Justin is probably history repeating with Chantel. Either way, I don’t care. And the whole thing with him posting pictures of Ashley, in my opinion, I think he’s just posting that to bother her. In other words, he’s trolling her. This paragraph is my thoughts. Everything else that was said, are facts. In the end, I hope Justin gets rid of all them and moves on with his life. Whatever else happens after this, just refer to this post and include your common sense and you’ll probably know what’s going on. 


phew that’s out of the way, stay tuned to the end for an update on new posts.

Back to my post about Palestine. I want you guys to know that I didn’t post that as a one time thing like okay it’s out there. No. I want to raise awareness to this topic. High Schoolers in Palestine that just graduated and wanted to get on with their lives, have been shot and tortured. Babies are being killed. Basically everything that happened during the Holocaust, is happening now. Take a look, it can’t be more disturbing than Selena’s transformation after drugs (Smh I can’t with myself. Really, there’s a special spot in hell reserved for me and Alana. Hopefully we’re next to Selena. Just kidding.)





Hamas which is being called as a terrorist group (figures they’re being called as terrorists yet when a white American shoots up an elementary school, he’s labeled as mentally ill. When anyone else does something, the entire group is labeled as terrorists. I don’t even have to say it, you should know what I’m talking about.) is basically defending the people. But really, I LOVE how everyone turned their attention to Hamas and ignored what the others are doing to innocent civilians. INNOCENT CIVILIANS. WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU? Even in arab countries like Egypt, they turned their attention on Hamas. They’re defending the people. Israelians started it. If you’re fighting over land, WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING THE PEOPLE? They’re killing innocent civilians. It’s like some type of Civil War. The government vs. the people. Their rights as humans are being violated. And of course like I preached about in my post about Palestine, the media isn’t giving it the coverage it needs. Like that girl posted,


Hopefully more celebrities use their power and say something. It’s nice to see Selena took a stop off the shade train and said what she said.

Since I reach out to a group of people that don’t exactly pay attention to this kind of stuff, hopefully I gave you some insight. 

It’s NOT about religion. The big picture is NOT because the Jews have the land and Muslims are fighting over it. IT’S ABOUT HUMANITY. No human should be violated like that. No human should be tortured and killed for no reason. 


Don’t email me or go to my ask or submit or invade my mentions with what you have to say about this topic. I don’t care. Shut up and go away. 


Now for the real ending of this post. Hope you all enjoyed. There’s 5 more posts I’m working on and yes they’re not about Jelena. Whether or not you believe me when I say that Selena is mad about this blog and its recent popularity or whatever, just know I wouldn’t be working on a backup blog if she wasn’t. And trust me, it’s not fun to copy and paste my 6 million posts (I have a life I swear!). So Selneverstopsshading, don’t waste time and energy getting rid of this blog because I promise, I truly promise, I’ll have another 12 versions up. Maybe 15. Or 20. Whatever I feel like. 

Stay tuned for the next real interesting posts. Adios. 

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