Pop Culture News: Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner’s weird ass photoshoot - mega photoshop planned?

Everyone on Twitter has been talking about Gigi and Kendall’s latest photoshoot for W magazine… and not for the right reasons. 


Firstly, the photoshop on these photos have been so horrendous, it’s actually so confusing. 

Everyone is like uh, where are their knees?


Then if you zoom up on Kendall’s face, she only got ONE tooth. 



Moving on to Gigi. The girl only has 3 FINGERS.


But hold on! It gets worse. 


This WHITE girl, who looks black is a PIG (puppy?). 

Yes she’s white. 


Is this black face or…?

Is she black but white passing…? I don’t know. 

Moving onto the next picture where you get this weird setup. 


Everything seems normal until you find GIGI’S HAND. 


Why is it bent that way???

So is this art or just a badly hired intern photoshopping the pictures?


Oh come on, we all know they won’t let the intern photoshop any pictures. But really, these pictures are quite unbelievable and not in a “oh wow they are serving looks” way. 

Which brings me to my next point. 

These photos got us all talking because well… they’re weird. So it seems like that’s the entire point. W Magazine is celebrating some anniversary and what better than to do it with two famous models who are well known on social media?

The shoot is not artistic. It’s plain out weird. And guess what? You know about it and you clinked links to see the pictures as well as spread them around. As you were supposed to. 


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