Look What You Made Me Do Music Video: review and HIDDEN MESSAGES + shade

We’re going to talk about Taylor Swift’s music video for Look What You Made Me Do and discuss all the hidden messages in it and references, because it seems like she made fun of Kim Kardashian’s robbery, Kanye West’s accident, and Katy Perry’s no Grammys. 


Taylor Swift released the music video for Look What You Made Me Do. Watch it down below:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tmd-ClpJxA?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=304]

We already reviewed the song so you can read that post here: http://www.exposingsmg.com/post/164641472793/review-look-what-you-made-me-do-by-taylor-swift

We personally think the video is excellent. Like we said in our review of the song, we’re not fans of how Taylor is literally a dramatic, petty, and bitter person who contanslty victimizes herself and puts the blame on others. However, we love her as a bussines women. She’s smart and has turned this narrative all around. She’s crazy but she’s smart and interesting. 


The video is absolutely amazing. Not one boring moment. It seems like it had a $100 million budget. 

The ending of the video where it shows a bunch of “old Taylors” from her previous eras is absoutly excellent and genius. 


She uses everything that people said while dragging her to basically drag herself. 


All the “old Taylors” literally start falling off and dying. It’s genius. 


Another favorite part of mine in the video was the tombstone for her reputation because she got exposed. She’s basically making fun of the whole situation and honestly I’m here for it. 


Regardless of everything, this video truly is pop perfection and it serves amazing looks. 

But let’s get into the hidden messages. 

1. The fake name Taylor chose to go under when writing Calvin Harris’ song “This Is What You Came For”




That was the fake name Taylor went under on the writing credits for the song and being the petty and victimizing rat she is, she came out later and tried to expose Calvin for not giving her credit on the song even though she chose the fake name. 

2. Taylor shades Katy Perry by dressing up and looking like her while holding a Grammy.. something Katy doesn’t have. 


So that’s Taylor in the video and this is Katy


So Taylor has her new haircut. And Katy gets dragged all the time for not having a Grammy. 


Taylor on the other hand has a lot. 

3. Taylor’s chair as “Et tu, Brute” carved on it which is a saying for being backstabbed by a friend.


4. Taylor references what the media says about her and her squad all looking the same way, basically being robots and she’s their leader. 


And this is something Demi Lovato said about the squads too, so she could be shading Demi considering the fact that we all told you that Taylor can’t stand Demi. 


5. Here Taylor is robbing a bank for a streaming service so she’s making fun of how everyone called her money hungry for not allowing her music on Spotify for a very long time. 

6. Apparently this character Taylor was playing was Kim because she got the “receipts” and the character is taking selfies. 

7. And finally the most controversial is Taylor making fun of Kim’s robbery. 

Personally, I don’t know what Taylor meant by this scene, but take a look at the details and make up your own minds. 

So Kim Kardashian was robbed in Paris back in October 2016. Read the post about that here: http://www.exposingsmg.com/post/152443333206/pop-culture-news-kim-kardashian-and-the-robbery

Basically, she was robbed of her diamonds and she was thrown in the bathtub and had a gun pointed to her. 

Ironically, Taylor seems to have that exact description in her music video. 

She’s thrown in a bathtub, surrounded by jewels, and she’s pretending to point a gun. 

Now the whole pointing the gun thing probably has to do with the lyric, but the whole scene of the bathtub does oddly mimic Kim’s robbery. Back in early 2016 Taylor did say she wanted to do something about laying around with diamonds but regardless, make your own conclusions. 

So yeah that’s it. Regardless of how psychotic Taylor is, I think she makes an interesting celebrity and we, the general public, shouldn’t get too caught up in celebrity lives and instead, enjoy their drama. It’s not like Kim, Kanye, Katy, or Taylor, are paying our rents for us to be defending them with our lives. Just chill and enjoy the drama is the exposingsmg motto. 


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